Green Shoots and Sunsets – A Rooted Awareness

It’s been gradual, like the dawning of a new day. The light filtering in, playing peek-a-boo as darkness and starry skies give way to new beginnings, new ways of being. Like the moment before waking, between rest and renewal, that dreamlike state where anything is possible, and the world feels more vivid and clear than reality.

I am writing my story.  The story is no longer writing me. In every moment, with every breath, I am both the author and the authored. This growing awareness is allowing me to move from object to subject, shifting my frame of perception, reception, and reference.  A new spaciousness is unfolding, full of possibility, wonder, and play. Perhaps it was always there – I just didn’t know where or how to look at, feel, understand, or experience it.

It's been all encompassing.  A deep wintering is still in effect, and I am sensing a deepening and quickening of activity. My roots are strengthening, anchoring me to a deeper consciousness, allowing for the greater flow of energy and healing into and through me.  Green shoots of opportunity are breaking through the cold earth, promising to blossom, fragile and resilient. While winter rains and cold snaps insist that the time for rest and pause is not yet complete, the warming sun beckons me to slowly awaken to all that lies ahead.

A new discernment is taking root, providing me steadiness and resolve. I’m letting go. To be sure, I still remember… hurt, loneliness, and insecurity. I still cry, reminisce, hope, and dream. And, there is a growing lucidity to my awareness. I’m nurturing a different kind of relationship with my kids, less about control and more about agency. I’m being gentler and more compassionate with myself, allowing for greater discovery and curiosity to wobble and fall. I’ve even found I am approaching work and business differently, redefining success for myself and focusing on cultivating relationships and connection rather than spitting out proposals and pitch decks.

Awareness is becoming my threshold to a deeper wisdom and knowing within. While not sufficient on its own, without it, I cannot begin to access the richness of intelligence that already exists and is constantly at play. Standing in my power, I get to choose — which way to move, to dance, or to rest in stillness gazing up at the stars.  

I’m blessed to be in the moment before the sun sets, soaking in anticipation, awe, and magnificence. It’s not the sun dipping below the horizon I’m awaiting, it’s the magic of pulling my gaze back enough to take in the wonder of color and light dancing with water, earth, and sky.


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” — Carl Jung


Dreamscaping: Commitment and Resistance


Home and the Ruby Slippers of Gratitude & Acceptance