
  • Leaders in the social sector are confronted daily with competing needs, tensions, and priorities. Having the space to work through them is often a luxury they are not afforded by their organizations & communities, nor even by themselves.  Leaders of color face even greater, unique pressures compounding the struggle to fully lean into and own their leadership.

    I offer you time, focused attention, strategic support, and partnership on your journey to better access your own truths & solutions aligned and integrated with your values and authentic self. 

  • I design and co-create custom workshops and strategy sessions using reflective inquiry practices, interactive models for generative discussion, and practical tools to translate commitment into action.

    Leadership Development and Coaching: I offer customized group trainings and workshops for those leading organizations through transformational growth and change, and work 1:1 with individuals to shift their approach from reactive/responsive to proactive/strategic.

    Organizational Development: Whether looking at culture change, board development and governance, leadership structures, succession planning and leadership transitions, and/or integration of DEI strategies, I help you take a look at the system as a whole to determine adaptive strategies for cultivating and sustaining change.

    Strategic Facilitation: As your guide and partner, I will engage your team in discovery by drawing on strengths and opportunities, chart a path for problem-solving and option exploration, and reimagine potential futures for your journey ahead.

  • Board Service & Yoga: Knowing, Balance, Power…

    …beckoning you on a journey of connection and stewardship towards healing & social change.

    A 3-part webinar series of embodied yoga designed to help you move towards deeper self-awareness, greater balance, and a stronger relationship with power to help you become a more engaged and effective board member.

    8/30/2023 - Knowing

    9/27/2023 - Balance

    10/25/2023 - Power

  • The Sacred Pause is the first of its kind. It is my offering to hold sacred space and walk alongside Changemakers as you let go of what has been, reconnect with your deepest and most authentic self, and resource yourself for the next step of your journey.

    Specifically, we will locate where you are in your overall health (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual); identify value-aligned opportunities for expansion and contraction in your life, leadership, and work; uncover what may be getting in the way, and engage in 6-months of deep reflection, transformational coaching, and resourcing for your next chapter.

    My hope is to open the space for engaged presence, reflective inquiry, and a reimagining of life with a freshness, clarity, and sense of expansiveness. In turn, clearing a path of possibility and acceptance for those around us to take a conscious pause before taking a breath and again beginning their work of social change.

    This is my gift to you of loving space to slow down, breathe, and reconnect with your deepest and most authentic self.

  • Every so often in life, we reach a point where we need to take stock – of where we are, what & who we have gathered around us, what we carry with us, and what we need to progress in this journey of life. As the season turns from Summer to Fall, we have an opportunity to pause and reflect before transitioning into the next season. Ask yourself, do I ever:

    • Feel powerless against or need to numb the edges of the crushing forces of change swirling around?

    • Struggle to create and maintain boundaries that allow me to act in integrity with myself?

    • Face disappointment and unmet expectations, holding onto ideas of what should be?

    • Witness shame, making me question the value of who I am and what I am doing?

    • Worry about what others think of me, and wonder if I am ‘enough’?

    • Get overwhelmed and burnt-out with hustle-culture that allows no space for rest and respite?

    • Criticize myself, ruminating on what I should have done differently?

    If you have responded yes to any of these questions, I invite you to join me in a 90-minute 1:1 Letting Go Conversation for Changemakers. This is my gift to Changemakers. There is no charge and no ongoing commitment, beyond being fully open and present for yourself. Each call is designed to:

    1. Create space for pause and reflection

    2. Identify those mindsets, habits, ideas which serve you and those which you are ready to shed

    3. Experience a process for acknowledging and letting go of that which is no longer needed

    4. Craft a compassionate plan for addressing what remains

    5. Determine if this is the right time to engage in Letting Go Conversations, 6 months of customized transformational leadership and life coaching, and resourcing for the journey ahead.

    This program is for Changemakers. Those who are committed to creating the conditions for change and impact in the world around them. Those who are at a moment of transition and are seeking a more aligned and integrated way to live and be. Those who are curious to explore a deeper awareness of themselves and their journeys. Those who understand the work of transformation is as deeply challenging as it is rewarding.

  • We experience change on a regular basis, and significant periods of transition (career change, birth, death, divorce, loss, etc.) tend to amplify thresholds into a space in which beginnings and endings swirl together in a cosmic dance, making connections, transforming our reality and sense of being, and taking on postures that would not otherwise have been possible.

    It is in that liminal space, the threshold moment full of uncertainty and possibility, that we can choose to BE. We can both stand on the shore to mourn what was and allow the waves of possibility to wash over us. We can choose to accept what is no longer and join the flow and cycle of life. We can let loss and letting go create space for metabolizing grief, transforming it into that which may ultimately be our joy.

    Ask yourself, do I ever:

    • Get so caught up in the doing, I forget to be?

    • Feel powerless against or need to numb the edges of the crushing forces of change swirling around?

    • Struggle to create and maintain boundaries that allow me to act in integrity with myself?

    • Witness shame, making me question the value of who I am and what I am doing?

    • Worry about what others think of me, and wonder if I am ‘enough’?

    • Get overwhelmed and burnt-out with hustle-culture that allows no space for rest and respite?

    If you have responded yes to any of these questions, I invite you to join me in a 90-minute 1:1 Threshold Conversation for Changemakers. This is my gift to Changemakers. There is no charge and no ongoing commitment, beyond being fully open and present for yourself. Each call is designed to:

    • Create space for pause and reflection

    • Identify those mindsets, habits, ideas which serve you and those which you are ready to shed

    • Experience a process for acknowledging and letting go of that which is no longer needed

    • Craft a compassionate plan for addressing cultivating voice and choice to allow for what’s next

    • Determine if this is the right time to engage in Threshold Conversations, 6 months of customized transformational leadership and life coaching, and resourcing for the journey ahead.

  • Are you feeling stuck? Not quite sure which way to go, where you belong, let alone who you are?

    You are in good company.

    I used to get it right. I had it under control. I followed the rules, checked the boxes, and kept it moving. Juggling, multi-tasking, I used to handle it all perfectly. At least that’s the story I told myself!

    I wonder -- what happened? Where did that person go?

    Easy answer, my world imploded. I quit my perfect job, my marriage ended, I moved myself and three kids cross-country. The world I had meticulously curated and crafted to meet the standards of success and worthiness -- my world as I knew it -- ended.

    A more nuanced response (thanks to lots of soul-searching, yoga, reflection, coaching and therapy) would acknowledge I made choices. Some big, some small. Some I created and catalyzed, some I held my breath and responded to.

    I am learning how to be on my own again. Alone with myself. How to co-parent. How to be an entrepreneur. How to Be, feel, love, and exhale again. I am learning Me again.

    Who am I today?

    At the very least, I am:

    An exquisite work-in-progress and will continue to be for a long time.

    A soulful artist, creating magic and imagining possibility into being every day.

    Gloriously imperfect. I’m messy and make mistakes. I revel in the fact that I will get it wrong. Often. I will make amends, learn & grow, and expand my universe of experiences in this thing called life.

    Whole and complete and ready to stand in my power and take up space.

    Who are you? When all is said and done, who will you become?

    If you are curious to play with choices and explore who you are, I invite you to join me for a 90-minute 1:1 I Am… Conversation with Changemakers. This is my gift to Changemakers. There is no charge and no ongoing commitment, beyond being fully present for yourself.

    My invitation to you – Stand in your power. Take space. Make the choice to Be, unapologetically, completely, and fully yourself. Big & small, expanded & contracted, bold & subtle. You get to choose – none or one or both or all!

    This program is for Changemakers. Those who are committed to creating the conditions for change and impact in the world around them. Those who are at a moment of transition and are seeking a more aligned and integrated way to live and be. Those who are curious to explore a deeper awareness of themselves and their journeys. Those who understand the work of transformation is as deeply challenging as it is rewarding.

    How do I book one of the 15 spots?

    Schedule an I Am… Conversation to book a 90-minute session between March 1st – 29th, 2024.

    Once scheduled, I will send you a set of I Am… Reflection Questions. Please send me your responses within a week of scheduling your call.

    Please note that a scheduled call is not a guaranteed spot in the program. If I don’t think that I am the right coach for you or that this program is the right fit for you, I will kindly cancel our Conversation.

    Show up and join me at your scheduled time. Cancellations or no-shows will not be rescheduled.

    The gifted I Am… Conversations with Changemakers is my way of saying thank you for all you do to serve others. It is designed as a stand-alone opportunity to experience coaching and engage in a process of reflective inquiry. If we determine we are a good fit for one another, we can discuss how we might work together going forward and whether the full Letting Go Conversations program is right for you. If not, we can figure out how best I can support your journey. Wherever we land, this is my gift to you of loving space to lightening the load that tethers you to what was, creating space for who you are & what can be.

Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.

- Rumi