I Am…
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

I Am…

Perhaps it’s not about becoming the butterfly or getting to the other side. Maybe it is just about fully immersing in the here and now -- in the dissolution, and letting go of what once was, once served, once was heralded by me as success and achievement. In the acceptance of what is. In the openness to receive what may be, is not yet, and could be.

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Face Down. In the Arena.
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

Face Down. In the Arena.

Face Down in the arena.

Story. Edge. Breathe.

Wobbles and missteps. Thank you. A chance to begin again.

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Spaces. In. Between
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

Spaces. In. Between

Flow requires a mindful presence to fully immerse in the here and now. Flow is acceptance of what is. Flow is space, structure, and




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Mental Meanderings – Doubt, Faith, & Crossroads
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

Mental Meanderings – Doubt, Faith, & Crossroads

Maybe I’ll hang out at this crossroads a bit longer, not rushing to pick a road that someone else has defined as right, productive, or progress. I have faith that when the time is right, the fog will clear and I will Know in my mind, body, and soul which path I must forge for myself.

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Green Shoots and Sunsets – A Rooted Awareness
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

Green Shoots and Sunsets – A Rooted Awareness

Awareness, like the dawning of a new day, the moment before waking, between rest and renewal, that dreamlike state where anything is possible, and the world feels more vivid and clear than reality.

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Loss & Letting Go
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

Loss & Letting Go

We can let loss and letting go create space for metabolizing grief, transforming it into that which may ultimately be our joy

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The Icky-Sticky Middle
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

The Icky-Sticky Middle

It’s about the messy middle, the icky sticky goo between the what-was and what-may-be. A perspective of being “face down in the arena” somewhere between the reckoning and the rumble, definitely not yet the revolution.

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Missing Piece
Ruchi Warrier Ruchi Warrier

Missing Piece

I have been the Missing Piece for much of my life — until now.

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